Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Forget Cassettes - Salt

Forget Cassettes are mighty mighty fine. They formed in 2002 in Nashville, and are currently signed to that same city's own Theory 8 records. Fronted by the quite wonderful Beth Cameron, they're a rather heavy three piece indie rock band and are today releasing their second record, the quite stunning Salt. It's definitely one of the best female fronted rock albums i've heard in a long while, in fact probably the best since Sleater Kinney's The Woods, which was one of the my top 5 albums of last year. Indeed in the wake of SK's split its nice to hear some more pissed off sounding women in rock that aren't Courtney Love. Please women of the world, don't allow her to corner the market (that's if she ever releases anything else of course).

Some good comparisons to Forget Cassettes sound would probably be And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead (who they've toured with in the past), Missions Of Burma, Wedding Present; basically grinding emotional indie rock, but luckily this time with some female vocals. Cameron manages to make most other indie rock frontpeople seem like the wimpy blankethuggers that they really are. Here's a few songs from the record, hope you like them. If you do, you would do well to check out the bands myspace, their official site, or to get over to Theory 8 and buy their record.

Forget Cassettes - Venison - MP3
Forget Cassettes - The Catch - MP3
Forget Cassettes - Nicholas - MP3