Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Muxtape from Me to You

Hi folks, here's a little pressie: a mixtape of 12 songs, using the excellent new Muxtape site.


Blogger Tom H said...

Nice mixtape, and cheers for the pointer to muxtape :D Great site, never seen it before :)

11:55 pm, April 01, 2008  
Blogger skyintheairwaves said...

Missing your stuff, Runout!

I still visit daily hoping for a new post...

Hope your new situation is going well...

4:23 am, April 11, 2008  
Blogger Destroyer said...

hey man...
"By the way, after yesterdays Fugazi-fest, some people have been asking if i'll put the Albini Steady Diet demos up, which I will indeed do, probably within the next week, so stay tuned poppickers!

remember when u wrote that? that was my first visit to your blog. I've been waiting for this post for more than a year now. Do u really have that?

5:41 pm, April 24, 2008  
Blogger Olibear said...


Great blog!



8:45 am, May 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooo.... this is totally random, but I've been scouring the internet to find the Thrilling of Claire by the National. I can't find it on any of the big music sites, the disc on eBay, etc, and I don't know where else to look. (My girlfriend's name is Claire and she loves the national so I'd really like to find it for her.) anyways, your blog is one of the only hits for it on Google so I was wondering if you have it floating around somewhere and could send it to me or tell me how to get it.


Dana livinonaprayer5678@gmail.com

4:55 am, July 09, 2008  
Blogger petermorris said...

I've scoured the internet and visited countless websites, but none of them compare to the wealth of information I discovered on your site. Thank you immensely!

Take My Online Exam

1:04 pm, December 26, 2023  

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