MP3: Peel Session - Sonic Youth do The Fall

On the 19th October 1988 Sonic Youth recorded one of the weirdest Peel Sessions ever. Instead of recording a bunch of their own songs, they decided to instead cover four songs by Peel's favourite band The Fall. The results are...quite good. Very weird sounding, but good. The cover of My New House is particularly great. You might notice that Victoria is actually a Kinks cover, but The Fall released a rather great version as a single, so I guess the Youth used that as an excuse to vary the session a bit. Mark E. Smith was predictably a bit miffed, and has since said that he wouldn't even shake Sonic Youth's hands. I hate to think what would happen if he met Pavement. Anyway this is a rather cool sesh, and as Sonic Youth have such a great new album out this week I thought I should stick it up. Have a good one folks.
Damn, you're right. These tracks are smokin'. (I found you via The Hype Machine, by the way.)
Speaking of Sonic Youth, I recently picked up a used copy of Daydream Nation but the CD was corrupted. I was able to salvage most of it except for #5, Eric's Trip, and #11 Kissability.
Is there any way you could find it in your heart to post these?
Thanks -- great blog!
Is there any way these could be re-upped? I'd greatly appreciate it :)
Scratch that, I've found it elsewhere
thanks anyway!
re upload please! =p
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